I found this morning three kittens who are no more than a couple of days old. They were covered by worms who originated in the eggs laid on the kittens by the garbage flies. One kitten has an open fracture at one of the back paws (the paw is hanging and the wound is very large) from which two more waves of worms spilled out (!!) after I had spent an hour removing the worms from outer side of the paw. I have never seen so many worms and I don't know how the kitten survived this infestation!
The vet cleaned the wound completely but he cannot do anything about the paw for at least another week (presuming the kitten survives that long) - I can only imagine the level of pain the poor kitten is in constantly!
The kittens are a couple of days old: the ears are open, the eyes are closed, one kitten has an umbilical cord stump, the others - a small hole on his belly in that spot.
I suspect the kittens might belong to a resident cat who was pregnant in an advanced stage - she was very interested in them this morning: she looked at me attentively while I fed & cleaned them and even hissed me. I can't tell if she is still pregnant or if she gave birth and the belly is just still big. Unfortunately, this cat is not tamed - I and two other neighbors tried to catch her a couple of times and with different methods, but we all failed.
I also tried to catch her this morning with a live animal trap using one of the kittens as bait - it didn't work. If this morning she was interested in the kittens, all afternoon she ignored the screaming kitten; I made two attempts and in the end I even left the kittens free near the parked car under which she was staying, hoping that she might take them back and carry them in a safe place, but she did not accept them any more. If the kittens are really hers, she might have wanted to give them up (though I don't understand why in the case of the two healthy ones); all three kittens now have a good chance of survival but only if they are adopted by a cat.
Tomorrow morning I'll try once more to catch the presumed mother cat with the live animal trap using food as bait (I am not very confident though - I tried this method with her before). I had found a girl willing to take the kittens only together with the mom; since I couldn't catch the mom, the kittens remained with me. All I could do for them was to find a basement where I can go twice a day to feed them - unfortunately, in this rhythm the kittens don't stand much of a chance to live - when they are so young they need to be fed every 2-3 hours. The girl who had been willing to take them suggested euthanasia as an alternative.
Possible solutions for the problem:
- To catch tomorrow morning the presumed mother cat (minuscule chance of success) with the live animal trap and to hope she will accept the kittens (after beying immediately spayed)
- To have the kittens adopted by one of the adult cats who have access to the basement where they are right now
- To have the kittens taken by a person willing to care for them properly
- In the absence of a cat/person willing to adopt them, to continue to feed them twice a day only, knowing however that they will die in a couple of days
- To leave the kittens outside overnight hoping that the presumed mother cat will take them back (not doable because we have dogs roaming at night)
- To euthanize them tomorrow afternoon
Solution 1 would be ideal. In case of solution 2, the kittens would have some chance of survival if somebody can feed them more than twice a day. Otherwise, euthanasia begins to look as a viable alternative for shortening their suffering before a sure death.
Consequently, I am posting this message hoping to find someone willing to take the kittens and feed them properly. Otherwise, tomorrow afternoon I will have to talk to the vet and decide between letting the kittens die of hunger with only two meals a day or euthanizing them. I hate the idea of euthanizing a healthy animal, (especially after bringing the kitten with the broken paw in a relatively good shape), but I am now in the situation where euthanasia begins to look as the most viable solution.
So, if someone is willing to take the kittens tomorrow (Friday), please let me know ASAP!
I put photos & films with the kittens at the end of this post.
Expenses for today:
Expenses for today:
- 80 RON - box with 20 individual portions of special (powder) milk for kittens
- 5 RON - taxi (from the vet - needed in order to carry the live animal trap)
Posted by Anca M. Dragan
Am gasit azi dimineata trei pui de pisica nascuti de cateva zile. Erau acoperiti de viermi provenind din ouale lasate pe ei de mustele de gunoi. Unul dintre pui are o fractura deschisa (la o labuta din spate - laba atarna, iar plaga e foarte mare) din interiorul careia s-au revarsat alte doua valuri de viermi (dupa ce il curatasem timp de o ora pe exterior). Niciodata nu am vazut atat de multi viermi si chiar nu stiu cum a supravietuit puiul infestarii!
Veterinarul i-a curatat complet rana, dar inca nu ii poate face nimic la labuta pana nu trece cel putin o saptamana (daca puiul supravietuieste atat de mult) - pot doar sa-mi imaginez nivelul de durere pe care il simte constant micutul - labuta e rasucita ca o bucata de carpa.
Puii au cateva zile: urechile sunt deschise, dar ochii inchisi, un pui mai are o bucata de cordon ombilicat, ceilalti au cate o gaurica pe burtica in locul respectiv.
Suspectez ca puii ar putea fi a unei pisici rezidente, care parea foarte interesata de ei azi dimineata (m-a urmarit atenta din apropiere cat i-am hranbit si curatat si chiar m-a hasait la un moment dat) si care era gestanta in faza avansata. Nu-mi dau seama daca mai gestanta sau daca a nascut si are inca burtica mare. Din pacate pisica e salbatica - eu si inca doi vecini am incercat sa o prindem de mai multe ori si cu diverse metode, insa nu am reusit.
Am incercat sa o prind si azi folosind capcana-cusca si unul dintre pui pe post de momeala. Din pacate, desi dimineata se aratase interesata de ei, dupa-amiaza a ignorat total puiul care tipa. Am petrecut toata dupa-amiaza incercand sa o prind (cu pauze ca sa nu se epuizeze puiul de atat tipat si ca sa il hranesc), dar fara succes. In final i-am lasat si puii liberi langa masina sub care statea, in speranta ca poate ii ia si ii duce intr-un ascunzis, insa nu i-a mai acceptat. Daca sunt intr-adevar ai ei, probabil vroia sa renunte la ei (desi nu inteleg de ce si la cei doi sanatosi); puii au acum toti trei sanse de supravietuire - doar daca insa ii accepta o pisica.
Maine dimineata mai incerc o data sa prind pisica presupusa mama cu capcana folosind mancare pe post de momeala, insa nu sunt prea increzatoare ca voi reusi - am mai incercat deja cu ea aceasta metoda. Gasisem o fata dispusa sa ia puii dar doar cu tot cu pisica mama daca as fi putut sa o prind; cum nu am reusit, puii au ramas la mine. Tot ce am putut face pentru ei a fost sa gasesc o pivnita unde pot merge sa ii hranesc de doua ori pe zi - din pacate in acest ritm puii nu au sanse de supravietuire (la o varsta atat de mica trebuie hraniti cam la 2-3 ore). Fata care fusese dispusa sa ii ia doar impreuna cu pisica mama mi-a sugerat eutanasierea ca alternativa.
Posibile solutii:
- Sa prind maine dimineata pisica presupusa mama (sansele sunt insa minuscule) cu capcana-cusca si sa sper ca va accepta din nou puii (imediat dupa sterilizare)
- Una din pisicile cu acces la pivnita unde se afla acum puii sa ii accepte
- Sa gasesc o persoana dispusa sa preia puii si sa ii ingrijeasca in mod corespunzator
- Fara nici o pisica/persoana dispusa sa ii preia, sa ii hranesc eu de doua ori pe zi, stiind insa ca vor muri in cateva zile
- Sa las puii peste noapte afara sperand ca ii va accepta totusi din nou pisica presupusa mama (nefezabil insa deoarece avem grupuri de caini care bantuie in zona)
- Sa ii eutanasiez maine dupa-amiaza
Solutia 1 ar fi ideala, dar nu o vad realizandu-se. In cazul solutiei 2, puii ar avea ceva sanse de supravietuire, insa ramane problema hranirii - cu doar doua mese pe zi, vor muri practic de foame in cateva zile. In acest caz, eutanasia (6) incepe sa arate ca o solutie acceptabila de scurtare a suferintei (4).
Ca urmare, postez acest apel - poate se gaseste pana maine cineva dispus sa preia puii si sa le asigure mai mult de doua mese pe zi. Daca nu, maine dupa-amiaza va trebui sa discut cu veterinarul si sa decid intre a lasa puii sa se stinga de foame sau a-i eutanasia. Detest ideea de a eutanasia un animal sanatos (mai ales ca am adus la linia de plutire si puiul cu piciorul rupt), dar am ajuns in situatia de a o vedea ca alternativa care incepe sa atarne cel mai greu in balanta.
Deci, daca se gaseste cineva dispus sa preia maine (vineri) cei trei pui, va rog sa ma anuntati de urgenta!
Am pus poze si filme cu pisicii la sfarsitul acestei postari.
Cheltuieli pentru azi:
Cheltuieli pentru azi:
- 80 RON - cutie cu 20 de pliculete cu lapte praf special pentru puii de pisica
- 5 RON - taxi (de la veterinar - pentru transportul custii capcana)
Posted by Anca M. Dragan
The kittens found on August 23, 2012: the one with the open fracture covered by worms is the first
[Puii gasiti in 23 aug 2012: cel cu fractura deschisa acoperita de viermi e primul]
The kittens found on August 23, 2012: feeding time
[Puii gasiti in 23 aug 2012: ora mesei]
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The three kittens with worms and another fly [Cei trei puiuti acoperiti de viermi si de o noua musca] |
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The kitten with the most worms [Puiul cu cei mai multi viermi] |
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The kitten with the fractured paw [Puiul cu labuta fracturata] |
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Feeding the now clean kittens [Hranind puii acum curati] |
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The most vocal kitten, which I used as bait for the live animal trap [Cel mai mieunator pui, pe care l-am folosit ca momeala in capcana-cusca] |
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The torn paw is better seen in this photo [Labuta rasucita se vede mai bine in aceasta poza] |
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Special milk for kittens [Lapte special pentru puii foarte mici] |
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The live animal trap with a kitten inside as bait [Capcana cusca cu un puiutz inauntru ca momeala] |
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Saya, the presumed mother cat is ignoring the meowing in the trap [Saya, presupusa mama, ignora puiul mieunator din capcana] |
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Then she looks at the trap... [Apoi se uita la capcana...] |
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...and then at me! [...si apoi la mine!] |
Click on this link for the full photo album
Facti click pe acest link albumul foto complet
Update: I have just tried to catch Saya with the live animal trap using food as bait - as I was afraid, it didn't work ...
RăspundețiȘtergereActualizare: tocmai am incercat sa o prind pe Saya cu capcana folosind mancare ca momeala - cum ma temeam, nu a functionat ...