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Prom/event/cocktail dress and bellow, from the same person, same size! the wedding dress too (it's a 36-38, maybe a 37, it's a bit large on me now, it used to be a bit tight :) worn ONCE: 250 RON - necklace 35 RON - earrings 25 RON - bracelet 10 RON (for very thin wrists) . Photos:
bracelet - details dress - dress (front) - close up to view necklace and earrings - dress (back)
rochia e un roz-piersica, e un 36-38 ceva de genul, e facuta la croitoreasa, demult! purtata o data
are sutien integrat deci se poate purta fara, cu spatele gol :)
250 de lei, negociabil...
colierul - 35 de lei
cercerii - 25
bratara - 10 (ptr incheieturi subtiri!)
Also our colleague is selling her Eddy K (Milano) wedding dress bought from Salon Gabriela (we have invoice!) here is mentioned that in Timisoara (RO) you can buy from this designer ONLY at Salon Gabriela http://www.eddyk.com/where/ europe.../romania.html the dress is white, organza with beads on top and back side that is 2,5m long. This dress has been professionally cleaned and is in pristine condition. It includes matching accessories with the dress : veil and shoes. Original price on invoice: 3900 RON.
Price of sale: 2900 RON, negotiable ![](https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/260177_129098140503497_3343387_n.jpg)
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