We have now on sale also 2 dresses, a beautiful prom/event/cocktail dress and a wedding dress :
You may also find us on facebook. Website: click HERE
Click for some photos: People we work with, volunteers, friends, family
WHAT is this blog ABOUT? Click HERE to find out exactly
Activity by week: 6 - 12.08; 13 - 19.08; 20 - 26.08; 27.08 - 02.09; 03 - 09.09; 10 - 16.09; 17 - 23.09; 24- 30.09; 1- 6.10; 7- 14.10; 15-22.10 and after that no one had the time to sit and write, I'm sorry, you may also read us on facebook here!
To view expenses august 2012, click here! September, click here! October: here November so far here - December here JANUARY 2013 HERE February & march here April here- may here - JUNE here
vineri, 28 septembrie 2012
Update shop and save project
Update click link http://heart-of-timisoara.blogspot.ro/p/shop-save-project_28.html
We have now on sale also 2 dresses, a beautiful prom/event/cocktail dress and a wedding dress :
We have now on sale also 2 dresses, a beautiful prom/event/cocktail dress and a wedding dress :
Eddy K (Milano) wedding dress bought from Salon Gabriela (we have invoice!) here is mentioned that in Timisoara (RO) you can buy from this designer ONLY at Salon Gabriela http://www.eddyk.com/where/
Update park lucky puppy
This one http://heart-of-timisoara.blogspot.ro/2012/09/puppy-found-in-park-monday-17-sept.html
Photo from foster
Photo from foster
marți, 25 septembrie 2012
Week 17 - 23 september 2012
Expenses (bills by day -> read the entire post please): 130.14 RON Monday + 43.15 RON Tuesday + no bill but 50 RON foster and 10 for transport Wednesday + 85.46 RON Thursday + 79.63 RON Friday + 36.21 RON Saturday + 32.79 RON Sunday = 467.38 RON
Monday 17.09 found this puppy (follow the link please) and a home for him!
bills: 40+7.36+11.36+10+4+48+9.42 = 130.14 RON
Tuesday 18.09 been at the pound to take Albuta free and also started taking care of this small dog's wound! Photos: Albutza coming out and injury detail of Brownie!
Monday 17.09 found this puppy (follow the link please) and a home for him!
bills: 40+7.36+11.36+10+4+48+9.42 = 130.14 RON
Tuesday 18.09 been at the pound to take Albuta free and also started taking care of this small dog's wound! Photos: Albutza coming out and injury detail of Brownie!
bills: 25.94+11.50+5.71= 43.15 RON
Wednesday 19.09 - puppy found the day before by a lady is in danger of being again on street, we pay and take him to foster to Asociatia Micaela Timisoara
no bill but 50 RON foster and 10 for transport
Thursday 20.09 bills: 11.75+23.72+49.99=85.46 RON
Friday 21.09 second deworming of pups
bills: 32.96+16.66+30.01=79.63 RON
Saturday 22.09
bills: 10.95+9.06+16.20=36.21 RON
Sunday 23.09
bills: 5.40+27.39=32.79 RON
duminică, 23 septembrie 2012
For Adoption: the 2 Pups from Solventul / De adoptat: cei doi catei pui de la Solventul
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The pups: Maro & Alb [Puii: Maro & Alb] |
(Original post - here)
A friend saved in August two sick pups from an industrial platform: she took them home and cared for them; they are now healthy and playful. My friend needs to place them into adoption: she lives in a block of flats and has another dog; because of lack of space she has to keep the pups in the bathroom, but they need a yard where to run free. She would like to place them together into adoption - if one if left behind, he will suffer and cry after the other one.
I posted more photos at the end of the message.
OBS: On the industrial platform there are still more pups exposed to the virus and unsterilized females - volunteers are needed to solve these problems (treatments, vaccines, sterilization).
Posted by Anca M. Dragan
O prietena a salvat in august doi pui bolnavi de pe platforma industriala Solventul: i-a dus acasa si i-a ingrijit; puii sunt acum sanatosi si jucausi. Prietena mea are nevoie sa ii plaseze in adoptie: locuieste la bloc si are un catel deja; din lipsa de spatiu trebuie sa tina puii in baie, ori ei au nevoie sa alerge liberi intr-o curte. Ar dori sa ii dea in adoptie impreuna - daca unul e lasat in urma, va suferi si va plange dupa celalalt.
Am pus mai multe poze cu ei la sfarsitul mesajului.
1) Veterinarul care i-a tratat s-a oferit sa ii castreze - cand devin destul de mari - la pretul redus de 50 lei / catel.
2) Pe platforma industriala respectiva mai sunt pui expusi virusului si femele nesterilizate - sunt necesari voluntari pentru a rezolva aceste probleme (tratamente, vaccine, sterilizari).
Postat de Anca M. Dragan
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Alb in the vet's office in Aug, after having been rescued from the industrial platform [Alb in cabinetul veterinarului in aug, dupa ce a fost salvat de pe platforma industriala] |
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Maro in the vet's office in Aug, after having been rescued from the industrial platform [Maro in cabinetul veterinarului in aug, dupa ce a fost salvat de pe platforma industriala] |
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Alb & Maro in Aug, after beginning the treatment [Alb si Maro in august dupa ce au inceput tratamentul] |
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Sep: Alb and Maro now healthy and playful [Sep: Alb si Maro acum sanatosi si jucausi] |
This week's report will be delayed until AT LATEST Tuesday morning, I am due to receive from some HEART members some invoices/bills and can not close weekly calculations, been running a bit under budget and want to make a list of expenses.
This and some serious health problems with volunteer Dan's father (and he needs a bit of moral support on this from me, as a team) cause this delay that never occurred before nor will become habit. Sorry.
This and some serious health problems with volunteer Dan's father (and he needs a bit of moral support on this from me, as a team) cause this delay that never occurred before nor will become habit. Sorry.
sâmbătă, 22 septembrie 2012
Sammy II (Dog) Needs Adoption / Catelul Sammy II necesita adoptie
After posting ads about Sammy II, nobody came forward to claims him, so I changed his status from "lost" to "abandoned". Consequently, he needs to be adopted.
For adoption: Sammy II, a young male dog (about two years old), very sweet and affectionate, now neutered and vaccinated, found on my parents' street, where he insisted to guard their gate.
Posted by Anca M. Dragan
Dupa ce am pus anunturi despre Sammy II ca fiind pierdut, nu a aparut nimeni care sa-l revendice, asa ca acum cred ca a fost abandonat. Ca urmare, vrem sa il dam in adoptie.
De adoptat: Sammy II, caine mascul tanar (de aproximativ 2 ani), foarte bland si afectuos, acum castrat si vaccinat, gasit pe strada parintilor mei, unde a insistat sa le pazeasca poarta.
Postat de Anca M. Dragan
joi, 20 septembrie 2012
Myra, The Pup Needs Adoption! / Catelusa pui Myra are nevoie sa fie adoptata!
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Myra |
(Original post - here)
I found Myra at the end of August - she has been abandoned in the street. She is a very sweet 4.5 month old pup, who needs to be adopted. I posted at the end of the message some more photos and a film with her (in the latter you can see what a kind dog she is), which I made immediately after finding her (while waiting for the taxi to the foster) - they show how sad the poor pup was!
Please help us find her a good home!
(Larisa, who transported us to the foster - Adriana, from Asociatia Micaela kindly took the pup in - took the opportunity to get to know the dogs in foster: they are all so sweet, need attention and just wouldn't let us leave! Here are some photos with them from an ulterior visit:
The taxi fare and the cost of the first month of foster and the food within it were covered by the money from one of the sales of the Shop & Save Project of H.E.A.R.T. Timisoara.)
Posted by Anca M. Dragan
(Postarea originala - aici)
Am gasit-o pe Myra la sfarsitul lui august - fusese abandonata in strada. E o catelusa pui foarte blanda, in varsta de 4.5 luni, care are nevoie sa fie adoptata. Am postat la sfarsitul mesajului inca niste poze si un film cu ea (in ultimul puteti vedea cat de cumintica este), pe care le-am facut chiar cand am gasit-o (in timp ce asteptam taxiul spre foster) si care ilustreaza cat de trista arata biata micuta!
Va rugam sa ne ajutati sa ii gasim un camin bun!
(Larisa, care ne-a transportat la foster - Adriana, de la Asociatia "Micaela" a preluat cu multa amabilitate puiutzul - a folosit ocazia pentru a cunoaste cateii din foster: sunt toti atat de draguti, dornici de atentie si numai nu te-ar lasa sa pleci! Iata cateva poze cu ei de la alta vizita: http://heart-of-timisoara.blogspot.ro/2012/09/the-visit.html
Costul taxiului, a primei luni de foster si a hranei din cadrul acesteia au fost acoperite de banii obtinuti dintr-o vanzare organizata in cadrul proiectului Shop & Save al H.E.A.R.T. Timisoara.)
Postat de Anca M. Dragan
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Myra |
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Myra |
Sweet Myra / Myra cea cuminte
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Taxi fare / Costul taxiului |
miercuri, 19 septembrie 2012
The Sunday emergency - disturbing photos
At the very end of this post http://heart-of-timisoara.blogspot.ro/2012/09/week-10-16092012.html we said that Sunday 16th of September, our friend Ioana found a doggie in very bad condition
she was taken to Adriana, https://www.facebook.com/micaela.asociatia
our friend Bianca gave Adriana 50 RON, via bank, and our colleague Ioana left 50 RON for foster and some food and so far 60 RON was spent, depending on how things evolve the doctor will be able to estimate but today he didn't know what to tell us eactlly unfortunately - we are hoping to save her back leg, the one most affected
The 60 RON (perhaps Adriana should post/give us to post the bill!):
- Antibiotics: synulox
- Tarantula venom injection to remove dead tissue
- 8 pills sinulox home treatment
- Vitamins for 10 days
what we need:
high quality food like Royal Canin (wet and dry food)
PayPal : marcudan2@gmail.com
Euro account: (Account owner: Marcu Dan Ilie)
Account number (IBAN): RO91RNCB0718008399060001
Bank: Banca Comerciala Romana
our friend Bianca gave Adriana 50 RON, via bank, and our colleague Ioana left 50 RON for foster and some food and so far 60 RON was spent, depending on how things evolve the doctor will be able to estimate but today he didn't know what to tell us eactlly unfortunately - we are hoping to save her back leg, the one most affected
- Antibiotics: synulox
- Tarantula venom injection to remove dead tissue
- 8 pills sinulox home treatment
- Vitamins for 10 days
high quality food like Royal Canin (wet and dry food)
and if anyone wants to give anything (just mention on PayPal it is for the dog found by Ioana)
PayPal : marcudan2@gmail.com
Euro account: (Account owner: Marcu Dan Ilie)
Account number (IBAN): RO91RNCB0718008399060001
Bank: Banca Comerciala Romana
luni, 17 septembrie 2012
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