You may also find us on facebook. Website: click HERE
Activity by week: 6 - 12.08; 13 - 19.08; 20 - 26.08; 27.08 - 02.09; 03 - 09.09; 10 - 16.09; 17 - 23.09; 24- 30.09; 1- 6.10; 7- 14.10; 15-22.10 and after that no one had the time to sit and write, I'm sorry, you may also read us on facebook here! To view expenses august 2012, click here! September, click here! October: here November so far here - December here JANUARY 2013 HERE February & march here April here- may here - JUNE here

miercuri, 27 martie 2013

Shop & Save project - Heart Timisoara - new items

Reserved yesterday. 925 Silver - 5 Euros [postage not included] byShop & Save Project Heart Timisoara

Price range: 1.5 - 5 euros [postage not included] by Shop & Save Project Heart Timisoara. Facebook album:

Silver pendant, 3.5 Euros [postage not included] by Shop & Save Project Heart Timisoara

1.5 Euros [postage not included] by Shop & Save Project Heart Timisoara

5 Euros [postage not included] by Shop & Save Project Heart Timisoara

3.5 Euros [postage not included] by Shop & Save Project Heart Timisoara

1.50 Euros [postage not included] by Shop & Save Project Heart Timisoara

2 Euros [postage not included] by Shop & Save Project Heart Timisoara

1.50 Euros [postage not included] by Shop & Save Project Heart Timisoara

2.50 Euros [postage not included] byShop & Save Project Heart Timisoara

2 Euros [postage not included] by Shop & Save Project Heart Timisoara

3.5 Euros [postage not included] by Shop & Save Project Heart Timisoara

1.5 Euros [postage not included] by Shop & Save Project Heart Timisoara

duminică, 17 martie 2013

Rex went in surgery and is just fine

Rex.. the abandoned boxer mix, left to die

This poor dog (4 years and a half boy) was abandoned and taken in by a very poor man, he will not afford treatment, that's why we have to help him! if a gypsy man searching for food in trash cans cares, how could we not? I am touched by the efforts this man did to save the dog, of course I didn't and won't let him pay, he really doesn't have from where to put out the money....We made an eco today and the vet said he has a very big liver tumour . He might not make it even with surgery, let's see a second oppinion too... :(( Rex isn't skinny and can walk but he didn't eat in a week... we got for him some medicine too... to sustain his liver a bit
--- Well we went for a second and even a third oppinoin and after the 3rd eco guess what!!! Rex might NOT have a tumour, we'll have him in surgery tomorrow anyway, if not he would die, if we put him in surgery he has an 80% chance to live! fingers crossed !!!

If you like our activity please share and support our work. we don't like asking so only if you have a little amount to spare, we have many dogs and any little bit of help is welcomed. PayPal : We provide you receipts & transparency. Thanks :)
Euro account: (Account owner: Marcu Dan Ilie)
Account number (IBAN): RO91RNCB0718008399060001
Bank: Banca Comerciala Romana

joi, 14 martie 2013


Revine de actualitate campania 2% - mecanism democratic ce contribuie la transparenta fiscala si bugetara, pentru ca acorda cetateanului dreptul de a redirectiona cei doi la suta pe care oricum i-ar da, pentru ca nu are rost sa ii lase statului daca poate asista o organizatie neguvernamentala non profit, la alegere...
Da, am dat si voi da cei 2% (da-i si tu ca nu te costa nimic, arata ca ai o opinie, o preferinta, e o parte din impozitul de venit ce oricum il platesti, altfel statul va redirectiona si acest si asa mic procent, cui vrea...

H.E.A.R.T. Timisoara NU este ONG. Din motive economice am decis ca nu vom fi ONG, nu are rost sa platim taxe de inregistrare si sa ne ingropam in birocratia aferenta, avem noi pe ce cheltui si asa :) si oricum! colaboram cu alte asociatii de protectia animalelor din oras (ONG-uri adica) asa ca, daca doriti se ne ajutati, e indiferent, e egal, e acelasi lucru daca redirectionati la colegii nostri!

Formulare: apasati pe nr 200 (pentru contribuabili cu venituri din alte surse) si apasati pe nr 230 (pentru contribuabili cu venituri din salarii)

Exemple de colaborare:

Angie - a team work case - with our friends!

Angie was hit by a car Tuesday 19.02 and has pelvis fracture. She was in great pain and was taken from the foster who had good intentions but no experience to be qualified to take care of her properly... and than she returned into foster feeling better. I heard she will need surgery :( I post the bills for her stay at the clinic and the X-rays. Heart took care of the bills and Pet hope of the x-rays but we will need help with the surgery so please, if you want to help out, any little bit of help please feel free to send to our friends from Asociaţia PetHope's paypal: with mention for ANGIE. Thank you so very much!!

Update Valerie and Valentine